GB Calf Week – Biosecurity Calf Week Webinar 2023
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This was recorded on Wednesday 20th  September 2023 – 12.30pm
Watch the FREE recording here.
Password – Cd7Aw.Tx
About the webinar
Biosecurity on farm is often very much focused on bio-exclusion; reducing the risk of disease entering the farm from external sources by concentrating on things such as the maintenance of boundaries, visitor and vehicle management and quarantine procedures for purchased stock. However, it is important to remember that even within a farm there are different groups of animals potentially with different susceptibility or previous exposure to disease so putting in place control measures to prevent disease spread between these groups can really help minimise disease challenges on farm. This webinar will provide practical tips on simple procedures you can put in place to protect your calves and minimise the risk of infectious disease.
After you have made your booking, you will receive a confirmation email detailing all of the webinar information.
About the speaker
Tim graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2003 and then went on to complete a three-year residency in dairy herd medicine and surgery. After his residency Tim undertook a PhD examining the design of antimicrobial dosing regimens for the treatment of calf pneumonia. Tim has a passion for knowledge exchange and education heading up the farm animal graduate training programme within VetPartners as well as being part of the team behind FarmIQ.co.uk an online training platform for farmers. Clinically, most of Tim’s time is spent providing advice on proactive health management to calf rearers across the UK and internationally.